Monday, April 5, 2010

A second Blog, am I nuts?

No, not yet anyway. I've always meant to review and talk about one of my main hobbies - computer gaming - more on my blog. But as the 'Path of Bones' grew it became a place for political and news ramblings and I wanted to keep it focused in that area, but I never got around to setting up another blog to talk about some of the things that I enjoy pondering outside of the news/political realms.

Those that know me (and if you're here at this point then there's a good chance it's because you know me either in the meat world, or you've gotten to know me online in one of the myriad of MMOs that I've played over the years.) know that I love to play games ... computer games, online games, console games, and I love to talk about them. More importantly I like to consider, from a design aspect, what about them works and what doesn't ... from my perspective at least.

Anyway ... not going to promise frequent or even regular posts here ... but as I play games or make observations about games that I am playing or have played I'll likely write something up to share here. I'll probably have something up soon with some observations and opinions about MMOs and how it relates to those currently available.

Until then ... remember to keep you gun loaded and your towel handy.


  1. No one I know takes part in more MMO betas than Klihizz :P

  2. Not as true as it once was ... the last few Betas I was in were Open so I don't generally count them.
